I decided to make some goals for myself this year because I realized I was wandering aimlessly. I divided it into a few different categories to provide growth in all aspects of my life. I don't set these goals to be hard on myself or be mad when I fail. I set them so I have something to work towards. I set them to also see where I need improvement and... improve.
No screens for 15 minutes before bed: I chose this because I feel like my sleep is lacking. I also want to learn how to live a slower life... one that doesn't involve staring at a phone for the last hour of each of my days.
Blog my progress??? - We'll see about this one. I don't want to spend to much time worrying about a blog, but I think it could be helpful to write everything down. Maybe use this as a journal and also expand my creative process. I also can see myself writing about my trips this year.
Sticky notes: My therapist told me about "mirror work." The act of looking in the mirror and speaking to yourself what you love about you. The sticky notes are there to help you remember.
Weekly Mass
Adoration once a week. I finally got the password for the perpetual adoration chapel down the road from my home. Need to figure out what day and time I can consistently put this into my schedule. Spending time with Jesus needs to be the top of my priority list right now.
Gratitude Journal: HUGEEEE. Last time I did this was 2016ish with my friend Jackie. We spent a summer working and living together. Each night we would say 3 things that we were thankful for that day, or 3 ways that we saw the Lord in our day. At first it was so hard. We could barely remember anything that we observed about our day, let alone anything profound. After we persistently shared regardless of what we had to say we started to observe so much more about our day. We became much more aware during that day of what we were thankful for. Some days we'd even say 5 things we were grateful for rather than 3. This year we plan on writing down 3 things we are grateful for and sending a photo of our journal to each other... it's currently 1/2... didn't do it yesterday. I have high hopes still.
Training: Working with a personal trainer to meet some fitness goals with weight lifting.
Walking: Going to walk around 300 miles in April... I'll be training for that as much as possible.
Dry January: This could also be under "Mind." As I think it will affect me as much mentally as it will physically. I'll be abstaining from alcohol this January. The goal is to be more socially present in situations that I'm usually drinking in. I also look forward to seeing what affects on my body and sleep.
Avoid Microplastics: I'm going to be drinking out of glass and avoiding microwaving plastic.
Monthly Challenges??? My roommate and I will be doing Grass Fed February.... we'll see how that goes.
Spanish: I'll continue to use the app Duolingo daily. I also hope to listen to Spanish podcasts during some walks.
I hope to also listen to some other intellectual podcasts on various subjects... maybe philosophy?
72 hour list: I read about this in another blog. The idea is that when I want to purchase something I have to put it on a list for 72 hours. If I still want it then, I can think harder about purchasing it.
Sustainability: After something has made it off of the 72 hour list I'll try my best for the object to be second hand or come from an ethical and sustainable sustainable source.
Budgeting: I purchased a budget template from ETSY a few months ago and have loved tracking my expenses. Just to make me more aware of how much money I'm making and spending. Here's the link just incase you're interested!
Create more - Consume less: I want this to pertain to all aspects of my life. I consume so much social media. I want to try my best to create my own thoughts and experiences.
Linocut my logo.
Shadowing: I plan to shadow and look into the following income options
Gastro-intestinal doctor
Blogging my journey on the Camino and this years goals
Affiliate marketing?
Amazon Affiliate?
Respiratory Therapist
Massage Therapist
Talk to a carpenter friend about Airbnb/van conversion
Look into the Hillside country cabins